out of home digital billboard advertising in new york cityout of home digital billboard advertising in new york city
What do you get when you combine the awesome real-life impact of OOH with the agility, speed, and flexibility of digital advertising platforms? You get digital out of home advertising (DOOH), one of advertising’s fastest-growing formats within outdoor advertising.

Digital out of home advertising empowers brands with the ability to generate contextual relevance with dynamic creative triggered by daypart, location, traffic, weather, or even the score of the game. Digital OOH media also allows marketers to execute campaigns much more quickly than with traditional billboards, with or without programmatic purchasing.

Marketers also appreciate digital advertising media for its robust measurement and attribution capabilities, which allow advertisers to measure everything from brand lift to footfall.


Aided Ad Recall - Overwhelmingly, consumers remember what they see in digital out of home ads.


Notice Digital Billboards - More than three out of five consumers noticed a digital billboard in the past month.


More Relevant Than TV - Consumers rate OOH as more relevant than television ads.
XAXIS, 2022


Find the right assets to reach your target audience. Our digital ooh ads can help deliver impact where it matters most for you.
How does DOOH advertising differ from traditional out-of-home (OOH) advertising?
Digital out of home offers advertisers 100% share of voice plus the ability to utilize dayparting, dynamic data, real-time triggers, 3D creative, and more. DOOH campaigns can also be executed more quickly and affordably than traditional static billboard and transit advertising.

Can DOOH advertising be targeted to specific audiences?
Yes,digial out of home advertising can target specific audiences. With audience-based buying, DOOH advertisers can select the audience they wish to reach and then deliver ads to them with precision wherever they are, whenever they're there.

Can I update my DOOH ad content in real-time?
Yes, digital out of home ad creative can be updated in real-time (or close to it). Not only can advertisers swap creative in and out with ease, DOOH can also incorporate dynamic data in the creative or real-time triggers for creative variants.

What is the typical duration of a DOOH ad spot?
Digital out of home advertisements are usually 10 to 15 seconds long for transit media and 8 to 10 seconds for billboards. Advertisers can also "roadblock" digital screens for 30 or 60 minutes without interruption. A standard ad flight is four weeks, however DOOH allows for campaigns of any length.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my DOOH campaign?
The effectiveness of digital out of home campaigns can be measured in many ways. Attribution studies can measure brand lift, sales lift, website visitation, app download, tune-in, and footfall. QR codes and social media metrics can also be used to measure DOOH campaign performance.
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